Category Archives: Olive & Olive Oil

Trust Your Health to OleAssos: A Guide to Choosing the Right Olive Oil

Choosing the Right Olive Oil

Are you tired of navigating the confusing world of cooking oils and deciphering the difference between healthy and unhealthy fats? You’re not alone. With misleading claims and deceptive labeling running rampant in the food industry, it can be a real challenge to make the right choices for your health.

What is Early Harvest Olive Oil?

What is Early Harvest Oil

Early harvest olive oil, also known as “early-pressed” or “early harvest extra virgin olive oil,” refers to olive oil that is produced from olives that are harvested earlier in the growing season, typically when the olives are still green and not fully ripe. The exact timing of the early harvest can vary depending on the region and the specific variety of olives.

Organic Olive Oil

Organic Olive Oil

Organic olive oil is produced from olives that are grown and processed according to organic farming standards. Organic farming practices prioritize the use of natural fertilizers, pest control methods, and environmentally sustainable practices while avoiding the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).